This blog lapsed into a period of hibernation while I studied and blogged my way to my Master's Degree in Education specialising in Teacher Librarianship with Charles Sturt University in Australia. I really enjoyed my studies but trying to maintain the library blog for school and my blog for my course this blog fell by the way side.
I have decided to bring it back and to use it for professional reflections once again. Businessman Peter Drucker tells us Follow effective action with quiet reflection. From the quiet reflection will come even more effective action.
This describes what I hope to achieve very well. I have had a very productive time with my studies. They have created a depth and effectiveness in my professional practice that has been transformative. I don't want to stop and be content with that, I want to continue to grow and develop as a Teacher Librarian. I hope this blog will enable me to do so.
What does a new lease of life mean? Cambridge dictionaries online define it as an occasion when you become more energetic and active than before. I hope that will be my experience these next few months and years - post Master's degree.