Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Backing up and moving

With rumours continuing about Google shutting down Blogger I have imported my Blogger Blog into my Edublogs hosted blog

What are the rumours? Well they have been around since 2011 which, since Blogger is still around, might show that there is no truth to them. In the article Is There Any Chance That Google Will Shut Down Blogger(Blogspot) One Day Soon? Technogeek, Satyendra Maurya suggests that there are signs that Google may shut Blogger down. This article presents reasons to go to another platform as well as benefits from staying with Blogger.

Whatever happens in the future it is clear that purchasing important aspects of your online life may be the way to go. I have a purchased subscription to Librarything as well as using the free version of Good Reads.  I purchased the edublogs subscription as part of completing my Masters programme and feel it is good value. Backing up the platforms you use makes sense and enables you to see which you prefer. 

Purchasing online subscriptions not only assists me with continuity and use of a better product it supports the developers behind the software. This may be the way of the future for us all.

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Broadening our horizons - the effects of attending a workshop at a conference

View of the Bosphorus from the CEESA 2016 conference venue. 

I am extremely fortunate to be a staff member at a school that values professional development in many forms. Our school encourages us to work in Professional Learning Communities (PLCs), to attend city wide Network meetings such as LTEN or the Istanbul Librarians' Network, to go to IB trainings and attend conferences. 

While at the CEESA conference in March here in Istanbul I attended a workshop about Collaboration. Collaboration, Cooperation and Collegiality: Strategies for school leaders to ensure planning for learning leads to increased student growth and achievement by Michael Palmer I almost didn't go - I am not a school administrator or leader. I am so glad that I did go. The workshop was described as an opportunity to explore the differences between collaboration, cooperation and collegiality and help participants develop an understanding of the ways in which their schools can increase collaborative capacity to support student learning. 

Actually what I learned was what can happen when someone attends a workshop at a conference. Michael Palmer had attended the last CEESA conference held in Istanbul - in 2008 I think it was. He gave a workshop on the PYP exhibition and only one person attended his session. This was mostly because the teachers at IICS were presenting about Exhibition at the same time and many people attended their workshop. Fortunately the workshop was run twice and Michael was able to attend the second run through himself. What he saw was a way to run the Exhibition and a way to plan Units of Inquiry in the PYP that really inspired him. He visited the school later that year and began to implement changes to the way Units were planned in his own school. Then he began to explore collaboration and ways to collaborate in a school setting - thus the new workshop and sharing his learning with us this year.

I have found that as I attend conference workshops I return to school willing to try out the ideas that were presented. We now have the Battle of the Books - after I attended a conference workshop about BOB at the ECIS librarians conference September 2014. Our school is working on developing a culture of independent reading using some of the ideas about reading journals shared at a CEESA conference workshop in Prague in 2013. Conference workshops can lead to marvellous actions within schools.

In a few weeks time our library team will be working with our guidance counsellor with all our classes over one week to try out some ideas presented at a workshop with the title Meeting the Social-Emotional Needs of Elementary School Students through Library and Counseling Collaboration by Rebecca Battistoni and Laura Giosh-Markov. This workshop was attended by two members of our library team and our Guidance Counsellor. While we won't be launching into the year long collaboration that Rebecca and Laura had we will be giving their ideas of adding a social-emotional component to our library lessons for that week.

So thank you to all my wonderful colleagues who present workshops and conferences. In doing so you lift our gaze to new horizons and enrich the teaching and learning in so many schools.

Another view of the Bosphorus. 

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Professional development through Teacher Inquiry

The first workshop I attended at CEESA 2016 was run by Aloha Lavina. What attracted me to this workshop was the idea of teachers engaged in inquiry learning. Aloha is the Upper School Principal at American International School of Zagreb. Her school had been using the tools from the Adaptive Schools workshop that she and others had attended.

The teachers at AISZ identified areas that they wanted to investigate within their school roles or areas of responsibility. Then they formed groups to meet regularly to investigate their self selected topic. While they were working on their inquiry the teachers kept professional portfolios. These were hard copy binders which had specific areas for the teachers to maintain. Throughout the inquiry the teachers investigated, designed specific interventions, observed outcomes, gave each other feedback and reflected on their learning.

One aspect I was intrigued by was the professional portfolio. I have been exploring the possible options for electronic portfolios since this session. There are a number of e-portfolio options available such as portfoliogen, pathbrite and exibi. As someone who has to maintain a professional portfolio for my LIANZA registration which is due every three years I would like to choose one of these options and try it out. At the moment I use Evernote as a way to keep track of the many aspects of the LIANZA registration process. While I know I can share these notes I can see that a portfolio may be a better way to go about reflecting on my learning. I can see the value of keeping records of my professional inquiries with my colleagues. Our school uses Professional Learning Communities to try to achieve something similar. I think the AISZ model that Aloha shared with us has this dimension of keeping a record of progress, questions, reflections which adds value to the teacher and to the school community that she works in.

I also decided to follow up on Adaptive Schools and find out more about it. Thanks so much to Aloha for an interactive and thought provoking workshop. I will be taking action - watch for future blog posts.

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Greg Curtis - Personalisation, Start with the WHY

Continuing my CEESA conference reflections; I am going through the conference sessions and exploring the ideas presented.

Greg Curtis gave the only Key Note address of the conference on Friday morning, 18 March. He talked about the large transformational process that is required when a school undertakes to pursue the idea of personalisation of learning. So it is best to start with the WHY. Why is personalisation the answer? The most obvious thing is how quickly the world is changing and developing. We need adults who can think creatively, who can leverage the tools at their disposal to come up with solutions to major problems. Education for the future isn't about learning facts it is about developing and maximising potential.So all schools need to start with the question of WHY. In fact starting with the WHY leads to success and adaptivity.

Yong Zhao challenges us to move beyond education to make everyone the same to educating students to be the best versions of themselves. Learning should extend, amplify and elevate. In the TED talk below he asks teachers to teach to the child's strengths rather than trying to fix their deficiencies.

So once we have the WHY then we can explore the WHAT. The what things can we do to achieve this. Unfortunately there is no manual for how to create personalized learning in your school. There are continuums of personalization and many schools are working on how to develop ways in which students can indeed develop their strengths.

One school in New Zealand that was built and developed to do just this is Hobsonville Point Secondary School - a new secondary school that opened at the beginning of 2014. Deputy Principal Claire Amos has been blogging about their personalisation journey in "Learning Leading Change" Claire and her colleagues in leadership in this school spent one year before the school was built exploring personalised learning in schools around the world. They have developed their own model and have been working successfully with students for the past two years.

Goal clarity is essential. I wonder what personalization in our library would look like? I really want to create opportunities for student choice and voice in the library. All things to explore in the new academic year. I want to set some goals for our learning before the end of this year.

I took notes about this session on Evernote

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Libraries - the first place of personalisation

The day before the 2016 CEESA conference in Istanbul there was a job-a-like for librarians. Guest speaker for our group was Katie Day, teacher librarian at United World College, Singapore and author of the blog The Librarian Edge. Her presentation is available below - recorded using photo booth and then published to YouTube.

The theme for the conference was personalised learning. It seems to me that libraries have traditionally been the place for that. Throughout the ages people have been able to go to  libraries and pursue their interests in reading and research.

School libraries can offer their communities so much as they seek to develop personalised learning for their students. Our collections have moved beyond the traditional print resource to electronic books, databases and online portals. There are web tools to enable us to curate resources for student learning - libguides, livebinders and Diigo to name only a few tools. As teacher librarians we can teach our colleagues and students how to curate their own resources. 

Katie's presentation went further than these observations by looking at library as place and the need to offer a variety of learning spaces. Students need rooms to meet and collaborate as well as spaces to totally tune out and concentrate on their own. One school principal, Penny Sturtevant, when redesigning the library had a vision that was a bit different from the makerspaces she was seeing. She wanted her library to be a place that was a little less open-ended, a place where students did hands-on work, but as an extension of what was happening their classrooms. Instead of taking her inspiration from the maker movement, Sturtevant was interested in trends she was seeing toward more personalised learning. So the space within the library has to be utilised with personalisation in mind. 

I will be following up on this presentation by reading Deep Work by Cal Newport - how to focus in a distracted world. Also Change by Design  by Tim Brown looking at using the design process to guide change.

Katie challenged us to be people who bring treasure to our students, like a travel guide who brings the traveller to the best parts of the city. 

Thanks for the inspiration Katie. Much fuel for further learning.

Friday, February 26, 2016

Post Master's degree - a new lease of life

This blog lapsed into a period of hibernation while I studied and blogged my way to my Master's Degree in Education specialising in Teacher Librarianship with Charles Sturt University in Australia. I really enjoyed my studies but trying to maintain the library blog for school and my blog for my course this blog fell by the way side.

I have decided to bring it back and to use it for professional reflections once again. Businessman Peter Drucker tells us Follow effective action with quiet reflection. From the quiet reflection will come even more effective action.

This describes what I hope to achieve very well. I have had a very productive time with my studies. They have created a depth and effectiveness in my professional practice that has been transformative. I don't want to stop and be content with that, I want to continue to grow and develop as a Teacher Librarian. I hope this blog will enable me to do so.

What does a new lease of life mean? Cambridge dictionaries online define it as an occasion when you become more energetic and active than before. ​I hope that will be my experience these next few months and years - post Master's degree.